Articles for Alexander Teachers and Students

These articles are on various subjects related to the Alexander Technique, particularly on the relationship between the Technique and psychotherapy. They were mostly written between 2015–2018, and were edited and updated in 2024.

Marcus James Marcus James

Alexander and the Pursuit of Beauty

There’s been a lot written about Alexander in relation to more spontaneous creative pursuits—music, dance, acting, etc.—but not so much in relation to making and craft….

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Marcus James Marcus James

Teaching Back to Back

Now and again in the last few years I’ve found myself sitting back-to-back with my Alexander students. This can be a powerful resource in the right situation, so I thought I’d share some of the ways I use it, and how it can be helpful…..

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Marcus James Marcus James

Trauma, Emotion and the Alexander Technique

Traditionally, Alexander teachers have been reticent to fully engage with the emotional and relational factors that can turn up in the work. Alexander lessons have been viewed relatively simply, as a place where mental and kinaesthetic skills and understanding are passed on in various ways….

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Marcus James Marcus James

Polyvagal Theory and the Alexander Technique

Polyvagal theory has had a significant impact on how body-focussed practitioners conceptualise what they do over the last couple of decades, and has found a central place in many approaches to working with developmental trauma and PTSD….

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Marcus James Marcus James

Relational Depth in Alexander Teaching

A typical Alexander Technique lesson is not an entirely straightforward teaching situation: because the hands-on work is often experienced as therapeutic by students whether or not that is the intention; because it may cause the release of traumatic, suppressed and repressed emotional material; and because often its principles can’t be integrated into people’s lives without addressing pre-existing emotional blockages….

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